This is my first DIY post, I've done some other things over the past few weeks cause I've been feeling in the artistic mood but I forgot to take some photos to share with everyone :( BUT I know that I will be doing a lot more this month so I'll make sure to document and share them with you guys!
I found a tutorial on how to decorate sunglasses with ceramic flowers on YouTube, and decided to make my own. Mine aren't as dramatic as some of the ones you can find online, but I think the simplicity suits my style a bit more.
So I am going to just go through the steps of how I decorated my glasses. It's super simple and easy to follow! Hope you enjoy <3
This DIY is pretty simple and doesn't require a lot. All you will need is a pair of glasses, decorative flowers, and glue.

You will need ceramic or plastic flowers, I got mine at Michael's craft store for 4$ each package. But I did see some on Etsy, so you can probably just search for some on there as well.
All you will need is a pair of glasses ( any style of glasses will do) I got mine at Forever 21 for less then 10$.
First thing you want to do is position the flowers where you would want to glue them so that you have some idea of what you want them to look like before you glue them on permanently.
After you decided where you want them to go and your happy with the look you can start gluing the flowers on.
You want to hold the flower down after gluing them to make sure its on there tight so that it wont awkwardly fall off when your walking around.
And then your done, see wasn't that easy ?
I decided to put three flowers on the corner edges as you can see. Two blacks on top and a grey on the bottom because the glasses do fade into a grey ombre cheetah print towards bottom, and I thought adding the two colours looked nice.
Have a great weekend !!
Peace & Love- Stef